Contrary to what most people believe, Mexicans lead a vegetarian friendly diet up till the time when the Spanish Conquerors arrived on our shores. Our diets mostly consisted of beans, squashes, vegetables, cacti, flowers and wild greens grown on La Milpa (the field). Wild Turkey, game and fish were mostly reserved for the ruling classes and for very special occasions. Dairy was a great addition to the diet when cattle came from Spain, but non existent till then. Hard to imagine, right?
In this class, we'll try and go back to those meat-free, pre-hispanic times, with tacos made with only vegetables. Join us on a great evening out, exploring ingredients such as Huitlacoche (corn Truffles), Nopalitos (cactus), chilies and loads of other delicious vegetables and how to make a great taco with them. There'll be a little dairy on the side and plenty of delicious food to enjoy at the end.
This class is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and veggie-loving-carnivores, just let us know your dietary restrictions when you book.